
Stock ID 1760
Author TARIF GENERAL (Belgium)
Title Tarif general, ou comptes faits pour faire et recevoir des paiemens en monnaies et especes des Pays-Bas, de Brabant, de Hollande, de Liege, de Luxembourg, de France, d'Allemagne et d'Angleterre.....Bruxelles no date (c.1817?)
Description Octavo, pp. x, 276; with vellum navigation tabs; the first two pages comprise booksellers' adverts. Tables of exchange; pages 159-163 contain woodcuts of coins, with others on various pages throughout; some minor spotting in places. Text block loosening from contemporary vellum boards, which are slightly soiled. Tables of Exchange, preceded by a Law for the Establishment of the Monetary system of the Low Countries (dated September 1816). This edition not in OCLC (one copy of an edition with different pagination at Yale).
Condition See Description
Annotations N/A
Subject N/A
Availability In Stock
Price (GBP) 